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SGI Archives
Our archives include over 20,000 pages of articles, statistics, charts and other industry data. It's an invaluable reference tool for anyone researching the major markets and companies in sporting goods.
Please choose from the dropdown menu to view a year of articles in chronological order, or enter a company or keyword in the search box above.
01/13/2025 - On, Genesco, Helen of Troy, Rocky Brands, Amer Sports, Lululemon, Zumiez, Caleres, Reebok, ABG, Accell, Veo Strip
01/10/2025 - 2025 Input Costs, Journeys, Retail Imports, Yue Yuen, Patagonia
01/09/2025 - Port Deal, Stella Int’l, Xtep, Riddell, Crocs
01/08/2025 - Helen of Troy, REI, Anta Sports, Burton, CPSC
01/07/2025 - Holiday Online Sales, Sweaty Betty, Mueller Sports Medicine, Fanatics, Proof Research, SIA, Puma
01/06/2025 - Tariffs, GrabAGun, NICS Checks, Richard Parente
01/03/2025 - Industry Market Caps, Revelyst, Hong Fu, Stanley
01/02/2025 - East Coast Port Talks, Descente, M-Pro