SGI Database Vendor Data Fields
This table contains information about sporting goods vendors. Information regarding the brand names of the vendors can be found in the table ‘VENBRANDS’. Information regarding officers of the vendor companies can be found in the table ‘VENOFF’.
- "CompName" (Text): Vendor company name.
- "ParCo" (Text): Name of the vendor’s parent company.
- "Directional" (Text): Suite or other address information.
- "Street" (Text)
- "City" (Text)
- "State" (Text)
- "Zip" (Text)
- "Phone" (Text)
- "Free" (Text): ‘800’ phone number.
- "Fax" (Text)
The following 5 fields refer to licenses the vendor carries.
- "WWW" (Text) World Wide Web URL
- "E-Mail" (Text) internet mail address
- "NFLLic?" (Yes/No) has an NFL license.
- "MLBLic?" (Yes/No)
- "MLSLic?" (Yes/No)
- "NASCARLic?" (Yes/No)
- "NBALic?" (Yes/No)
- "NHLLic?" (Yes/No)
- "NCAALic?" (Yes/No)
- "ProdCats" (Text): This field is a text field listing all product categories, specific and general that the vendor carries/ manufuactures/ distributes. We have attempted to provide a high level of detail to allow very accurate keyword searches on this field.
This table contains information regarding brand names of sporting goods vendors. Other information about the vendors can be found in the table ‘VENGEN’.
- "CompName" (Text): Vendor company name.
- "Brand" (Text): Brand name.
- "IsLic?" (Yes/No): Is this brand name licensed from another company?
- "IsDist?" (Yes/No): Is this brand distributed by this company?
This table contains information regarding officers of sporting goods vendor companies. Other information regarding the vendor companies can be found in the table ‘VENGEN’.
- "CompName" (Text): Name of the vendor company for which this person works. This is the linking field.
- "First" (Text): First name.
- "Last" (Text): Last name.
- "Title" (Text)
The following 14 fields refer to the rank and areas of responsibility covered by this person.
- "CEO/COB" (Yes/No): Strategic level chief executive.
- "Pres" (Yes/No): President or operational chief executive.
- "EVP" (Yes/No): Executive Vice- President.
- "SVP" (Yes/No): Senior Vice- President.
- "VP" (Yes/No): Vice- President.
- "CFO" (Yes/No): Chief Financial Officer
- "Purch" (Yes/No): Purchasing.
- "R&D" (Yes/No): Research and development.
- "Design" (Yes/No): Design.
- "Prod" (Yes/No): Production.
- "SaleUS" (Yes/No): US sales.
- "SaleFo" (Yes/No): Foreign sales.
- "Mktg" (Yes/No): Marketing.
- "Pers" (Yes/No): Personnel.
- "Credit" (Yes/No): Credit.