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Article Date: November 2023
Word Count: 386

Fila Benefits from Acushnet in Q3

Net income at Fila brand parent and Acushnet majority shareholder Fila Holdings dropped 4% in the third quarter to KRW 57,743 million ($44.0 mm) from KRW 60,323 million, as the golf business’ strong momentum offset weakness elsewhere. Revenues slipped 9% to KRW 990,192 million ($754.3 mm) from KRW 1,079,544 million. As we reported earlier in the month, Acushnet’s net income increased 11% to $57,307,000 from $51,837,000 as sales rose 6% to $593,381,000 from $558,246,000. Royalty income from licensing the Fila brand fell 14% to KRW 18,529 million, despite an improvement in ... Log in to view full article.


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