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Article Date: October 2023
Word Count: 195

Etcetera: Puma, JD Sports. Hyosung, Sacks Parente Golf, Smartwool, NRI, Lululemon, Rally House

Puma has hired former Adidas’ VP of U.S. sales, Andrew “Rudi” Rudolph as its new SVP of wholesale for North America. He was most recently SVP of wholesale at Cole Haan.++++JD Sports’ new CFO, Dominic Platt has taken the position effective Oct. 4, as Group CFO since 2018, Neil Greenhalgh, departed in a move that was announced earlier this year.++++Hyosung, the South Korean sustainable textiles provider, appointed outdoor industry expert Laura Nilo as its new U.S. marketing manager for the West Coast, and tapped marketing strategist Christiane Rauch ... Log in to view full article.


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