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Article Date: August 2024
Word Count: 476

Peloton Finishes Year with Sales Uptick in Q4

Net loss narrowed to $30.5 million from a loss of $241.8 million as results exceeded guidance across the P&L for fiscal Q4, with revenue coming in at $643.6 million, inching up from $642.1 million, marking the first top line growth since Q2 ’22. Companywide gross margin improved 1,720 b.p. to 48.5%, coming in ahead of the guided 48.0%, while total operating expenses were down 12% to $375.3 million, leveraging 820 b.p. to 58.3% of sales. OpEx saw cuts to advertising, marketing and R&D offset a boost in administrative spend from higher ... Log in to view full article.


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