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Article Date: April 2023
Word Count: 707

Industry Imports Were Halved in Q1

Double-digit declines in all categories contributed to a 51% drop in declared customs value of imports in Q1 to $3,678.4 million from $7,478.7 million, coming in lower than the pandemic’s Q1 and Q2, 2020, and the lowest quarterly total since 2010. Sneaker imports dropped 43% to $903.8 million from $1,591.1 million, well below Q1 last year despite that period being impacted by supply constraints from Vietnam’s factory closures in Q3, 2021. Apparel imports also declined 43% to $771.2 million from $1,353.8 million, while Equipment imports plunged 56% to $2,003.4 million from ... Log in to view full article.


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