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Article Date: August 2023
Word Count: 251

Giant Group Pulled Down by U.S., Europe

Net income attributable to owners declined 34% in the second quarter to TWD 1,181.9 million ($38.4 mm) from TWD 1,802.2 million hurt by sharply lower gross margins. Revenues inched down 1% to TWD 22,464.1 million ($729.4 mm) from TWD 22,744.9 million as U.S. and European sales fell. Giant’s quarter was salvaged by burgeoning revenues in China, where the post-Zero-Covid reopening has resulted in strong demand, sending first half sales up 70% in the region.


Demand in the U.S. has plunged this year, with consumer demand for entry to mid-level products slacking and ... Log in to view full article.


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