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Article Date: August 2023
Word Count: 431

Fila Brand Struggles, but Acushnet Keeps Q2 Profitable

Fila Holdings net income fell 68% to KRW 37,197 million ($28.3 mm) in the second quarter from KRW 114,442 million last year, on aggregate revenues that inched down 2% to KRW 1,147,006 million ($871.8 mm) from KRW 1,171,903 million, but would have been down 6% constant currency. As we reported earlier, Acushnet’s Q2 profits grew 24% to $132.1 million on 5% higher revenues of $689.4 million, but the Fila brand continued to struggle globally. Royalty income was a positive, growing by 1% to KRW 19,974 million, boosted by strength in Asia ... Log in to view full article.


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