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Article Date: September 2023
Word Count: 346

Colt CZ Group Revenues Return to Growth in Q2

Net income fell 18% in the second quarter to CZK 458,336,000 ($21.2 mm) from CZK 559,975,000 on revenues that improved 10% to CZK 3,847,680,000 ($177.7 mm) from CZK 3,495,613,000. Long gun unit sales dropped 13% to 60,965 but handguns jumped 12% to 104,088. Profits were hit by unfavorable ForEx as the Czech crown strengthened against the dollar and euro, combined with a larger proportion of law enforcement and military contracts. Raw materials and consumables used declined 3% on lower production and services costs dropped 3% as the company lapped M&A expenses. ... Log in to view full article.


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