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Article Date: August 2023
Word Count: 496

Anta Sports Comes Back as Lockdowns Lift

Net income attributable to shareholders was up 32% to RMB 4,748 million ($676.8 mm) from RMB 3,588 million for the first half ended June 30, on revenue up 14% to RMB 29,645 million ($4,225.9 mm) from RMB 25,965 million. All brands and categories got a boost from the absence of Zero Covid lockdowns, with footwear up 12% to RMB 12,407 million, apparel increasing 16% to RMB 16,313 million, and accessories posting a 13% gain to RMB 925 million. While brick-and-mortar sales recovered throughout the period, consumers showed a structural shift towards ... Log in to view full article.


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