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Article Date: March 2023
Word Count: 224

Mainland Headwear Soars in 2022

Net income came in even better than the Chinese company’s raised guidance, increasing 53% in 2022 to HK$195,390,000 ($24.9 mm) from HK$128,076,000, as revenues grew by 17% to HK$1,874,424,000 ($239.0 mm) from HK$1,600,255,000. Sales to the U.S. market grew 16% to HK$1,646.3 million ($209.9 mm), Europe improved 33%, Hong Kong was up 38% and other regions gained 58%. Only the PRC was down, falling 29% for the year. Mainland has big plans for 2023, ramping up capacity at its Bangladesh factory and breaking ground on a new facility in Mexico’s Sonora ... Log in to view full article.


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