Here are some samples of the market data we publish in Sporting Goods Intelligence newsletter. These tables are all at least a year out of date. The latest versions are available throughout the year in SGI, and are also posted for SGI Archives subscribers on our member site at Note that many of these sales numbers are not publicly reported and are not available anywhere else. We get the data from our extensive network of sources within these companies. If you would like the most current data, see the links at left to subscribe. SGI Branded Athletic Footwear Market Shares Lists sales and market share for the largest global athletic footwear companies. Includes historical data for comparison. SGI_afwint_2003.pdf - 79kb SGI Athletic Apparel Market Shares Lists sales and market share for the largest global athletic apparel companies. Includes historical data for comparison. SGI_apparel_2003.pdf - 106kb SGI Branded Athletic Equipment Market Shares Lists sales and market share for the largest global sports equipment companies. Includes historical data for comparison. SGI_equip_2003.pdf - 63kb SGI Branded Rugged Footwear and Lifestyle/Fashion Footwear Market Shares Lists sales and market share for the largest brands in rugged and casual sports inspired footwear. Includes historical data for comparison. SGI_rugfw_2003.pdf - 55kb SGI_lifefashfw_2003.pdf - 55kb SGI Largest Global Retailers Lists largest sporting goods retail chains worldwide. SGI_retlarge_2003.pdf - 81kb SGI Retail Expansion Lists largest U.S. sporting goods retail chains, number of locations, total square feet, and their planned expansion for the coming year. SGI_retexp_2004.pdf - 48kb |